As a team, we are always looking to improve our performance and how we interact and represent our members. We need to constantly be forward thinking and engaged with the membership and what you need. We, as a team, saw an area we could improve, and that is our communication with the membership. In late August, Steve Grammas and I were invited to attend the annual NYC PBA Delegate Conference in Albany, New York. We had been looking at ways to expand our area representatives or enhance that aspect of our Board to increase our reach within the area commands. The chance to take an inside look at how one of the nation’s largest police union organizations operates and communicates with its members was extremely valuable for Steve and me. Our biggest takeaway was their delegate position. Throughout every section within the NYPD, the NYC PBA has delegates on every shift. These delegates are able to work with their area representatives.
Once Steve and I returned from the NYC PBA Delegate Conference, we went to work developing our version of the delegate position. After about two weeks, our team had put together a pretty solid proposal to take to our Board of Directors to seek their approval to implement the delegate program at the PPA. Ultimately, the Board approved the program, and we had to quickly find delegates to volunteer to be a part of the program from every shift and section within the LVMPD. The delegate program is off and running, and we will continually work to use it to promote good communication with our members. On the next page is a list of all the delegates throughout LVMPD. We are always available to help you, and we are one phone call away. Stay safe, and thank you for your membership!