Director of Governmental Affairs
In a few months, I will start traveling to and from Carson City for the 2023 Legislative Session, where I will lobby on your behalf for proposed bills that could have negative and positive effects on the law enforcement profession in Nevada.
Our priorities, as usual, are ensuring that our pensions are safe, ensuring that we can collectively bargain and ensuring that our Peace Officer Bill of Rights remains intact. Secondarily, I will lobby our state Legislature to negate any police reform bills that can harm our profession. Election Day is only days away, and I cannot stress enough how important voting during this election cycle is. If Sheriff Lombardo is elected as governor, I believe it will be a very good thing for our profession. I believe that he will be able to stop any harmful bills that affect our profession.
Since becoming the full-time director of governmental affairs for the LVPPA and a managing member P# 18679 of the Public Safety Alliance of Nevada, I have made it my mission to ensure our collective voices are heard by our state’s elected leaders and that we will not stand for the anti-police rhetoric we have heard and seen since 2020.
They all know that crime and safety are on this year’s ballot, so our endorsement means a lot to them. However, they also know our endorsement comes with accountability if they do not support us. While I am at next year’s legislative session, I may call on you to send emails or make phone calls in support of or against certain legislative bills.
Our voice is important, so I need all of you to participate if asked. Elections are the most important way to ensure change to help reverse the anti-law enforcement events of the last few years, so please take this into account and take the time to vote.