“I would like to introduce myself to the members of the LVPPA. My name is Brian Grammas and I am the newest member of the Executive Board for the LVPPA. I started the Police Academy in August 1996. After finishing field training, I worked two years on Graveyard in William Area, then moved to Swing shift and became an FTO working Victor/Xray for one year. I transferred to the Police Academy and worked as a TAC officer for two years. In January 2003, I transferred to the Narcotics Bureau. After 15 years in Narcotics, I was appointed to the LVPPA Executive Board in December 2017 as secretary.”
This is how the start of my first article went. It has been four years since I wrote those words, and after working for the members of the PPA as an Executive Board member, I can honestly say it has been an eye-opening yet fulfilling experience. I will be retiring from the LVMPD in December 2021. After 25 years working for not only Metro, but also the LVPPA, I can say it has been a great ride. As I, Brian Grammas (inside joke), write this article, I think about everything I have been through. I have had the opportunity to work with some of the best officers around. I have had some great times and have lost a few friends along the way. All in all, I feel I have served this community well and have had a small impact on making these streets a little safer.
There are a few things I would like to say to the members. First, don’t get stuck in a rut; try new things. What I mean is don’t get comfortable where you’re at. Patrol is the backbone of this agency, but there are so many other specialized assignments out there, you should try out different assignments. I spent 15 years in Narcotics, and when I tested for sergeant I didn’t give it my all because I was comfortable where I was. For those officers who want to become sergeants, having a well-rounded career will only make you better when supervising troops. Knowing how to do search warrants or investigations, you can impart your knowledge to new officers and help make them better.
Second, don’t become disgruntled. This agency is not perfect, but in my opinion, we are one of the best police departments in the country. As I wind down my career, I have had many conversations with other soon-to-be-retired officers regarding retirement parties. It’s very sad to see officers become so upset that they say the old “I don’t want anything from this place but my creds and a check.” I think to myself, how are you so upset that you wouldn’t want to celebrate working 20-plus years as a police officer and have friends and family honor you? Not every officer gets to retire. Some are terminated, some leave early for a different career and some make the ultimate sacrifice. As for me, I am happy that I chose this profession. I am glad I was a part of Metro for 25 years. And I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life. So please be safe out there, and enjoy the career you have, because it will fly by and you will be having that retirement party of your own.