An active assailant causing a mass casualty crisis is something that can happen anytime, anywhere. June is national safety month, so local businesses are learning ways to effectively respond to those types of situations.
1 October investigators bond with Golden Knights
A special group of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department investigators is on pins and needles for Thursday night’s Vegas Golden Knights game. Since 1 October the group of seven detectives has bonded and healed because of the Knights.
Clark County Schools Address Safety After Florida Shooting
In light of the Florida shooting, we are reminded that the safety of our children is a top priority. School safety concerns can be addressed to school staff members, police or anonymously through the Safe Voice application at or at (833) 216-SAFE.
LV Court Celebrates Graduation of Five Youth Offender Court
Five Youth Offender Court participants will graduate from an 18-month program today. The Court program has helped these youth reunite with their families, secure employment, obtain their GEDs/diplomas, complete drug counseling and more.
Gunman Confessed to Florida High School Shooting, Police Say
Our hearts are heavy this morning as we continue to learn more about the tragedy that unfolded in Florida yesterday. May the families, friends and colleagues of the victims find peace during this difficult time.
Device Can Automatically Activate Body Cameras
As body cameras become more widely used across the United States, different companies are working on ways to improve the technology.