LVPPA Podcast


Episode 17: John Abel

In Episode 17 of the LVPPA (Las Vegas Police Protective Association) Podcast, the hosts had a special guest, John Abel, who serves as the Governmental Affairs Director. John provided a unique and behind-the-scenes look into the 2023 legislation session that took place in Carson City that year. He shed light on the various bills that were passed during the session and their direct impact on police officers.

To gain firsthand insights into the legislative process and advocate for the interests of police officers, John moved to Carson City for a period of six months. He shares his experiences and challenges during this time, giving listeners a glimpse into the world of lobbying and policy-making.

President Steve Grammas discusses  the controversial Jason Aldean song. The song in question appears to have sparked significant public outcry, and Steve Grammas addressed the reasons behind the uproar and provided the perspective of the LVPPA on the matter.

Overall, Episode 17 seems to have provided valuable information on the legislation session's outcomes and the efforts made by the LVPPA to advocate for the interests of police officers. It also covered some intriguing controversies within the community, making it an engaging and informative podcast installment.

Length: 36:06