McCoy Buys Tickets for Police Officers
Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy decided he wanted to invite a large number of police officers to the game on Sunday to show his appreciation for the men and women in uniform.
Police Officer’s Response to Terrified Black Teen Goes Viral
In the wake of numerous police shootings and attacks targeting cops that have left several dead on all sides, the relationship between the police and African-Americans seems to be at an all-time low.
Lancaster Salutes Sgt. Steve Owen
Law enforcement officers in patrol cars and on motorcycles and horseback lined a miles-long route through Lancaster to watch the funeral procession for slain Sgt. Steve Owen.
Free K9 Event!
Meet our amazing dogs, their handlers, and watch K9 teams from across the country, as they compete for the top prizes.
It’s Time for Our Input on Use-of-Force Policies
By George Hofstetter News headlines from around the nation make clear the concerted effort by the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) to convince the public and legislators to enact its […]