Death Toll on Valley Roadways is Up Compared to Last Year
We can never emphasize enough the need to be careful out on the road! 96 fatalities this year, about half of them pedestrians.
Police: Suspect Pointed Taser at Officer Before Shooting at UMC
Las Vegas Metro police said a suspect pointed a correction officer’s taser at a security guard and a Metro officer before a shooting at University Medical Center Monday.
Protesters Back in St. Louis Streets After Night of Violence
Sunday night’s demonstrations began peacefully, but erupted in violence after nightfall. On Monday, protesters were locking arms on Market Street, a few blocks from the site of the previous night’s violence.
Las Vegas Police Invite Public to Women’s Boot Camp
“The agency is looking for even more women to join LVMPD in order to fairly represent the community it serves.”
DOJ Won’t Prosecute Baltimore Officers In Freddie Gray Case
Five of the officers still face police department disciplinary hearings scheduled for the end of October.