This issue marks the last LVPPA Vegas Beat of the year. This magazine will reach our members in November and carry us through December and into 2019. I hope when you all read this that it finds you gathered around your friends and family either eating some turkey or opening up presents.
The holidays have always been a special time to me. Ask those closest to me when I start listening to Christmas music, and the people who really know me will say, “He never stops.” I love the feeling the holidays bring. Every year, I am always so thankful for my family and friends and for all of the men and women who sacrifice their own personal safety for the betterment and protection of others. Usually, I take a moment to think about the people who spend their holidays sitting in a patrol car going call to call instead of being at home with their loved ones. I also think about the officers working the decks at the jail, trying to make a decent holiday for the inmates while their families sit at home waiting for their return. Many people in the PPA membership spend their holidays in the very ways I just described. They do it, not for the thank you or the pat on the back, but so that others can safely enjoy their holidays without worrying about evil coming to their doors.
During my time as an officer, I spent holidays pushing a car doing calls for service while my kids ate Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner without me. It would be amazing if all crime could stop for just one day to allow all people to be able to spend time with the people who mean the most to them. But we all know that will never happen. Every year, every holiday, someone must stand guard to protect our community. I know there are times when it seems like the community doesn’t support us. But trust me, the large and overwhelming majority supports and thanks you all for the work you do. They don’t go on TV or the radio and profess how much they love and appreciate you. They do it quietly, at home, while they sit with their families. They know it’s because of your hard work and sacrifice that they can enjoy the holiday season.
Law enforcement isn’t for everyone. We all know that. We know many people who didn’t make it through the training to become an officer for some reason or another. I like to think that it’s pretty simple: You don’t choose police work; it chooses you. It isn’t just about receiving a paycheck and benefits or getting to drive fast in a cop car. It’s a calling that draws you to serve others. Serving your fellow men and women in this community means more than a pension or vacation days. I think a career in law enforcement is one of the noblest careers anyone could have. And although you all do not hear it enough, our community owes you all a giant thanks. I also owe you thanks for allowing me to be your president. I hope this year, and many years to come, to continue to make you all proud of the job I am doing on your behalf. I am very grateful for this opportunity and will never take it for granted. That is my promise to you all.
On behalf of the Executive Board, the PPA staff and myself, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, a merry and happy holiday and a happy new year.