March 26, 2020
Please be advised that well-meaning community members are sewing masks and providing them to local hospitals and first responders. While this is a kind gesture, we do not want our employees to wear these homemade masks in place of either surgical or N95 masks. At this point, we have enough protective equipment for employees.
We realize many of you have questions regarding how the Department will handle an employee testing positive for COVID-19. We are currently working on a flowchart that will explain the process and how positive tests by employees will be communicated to the workforce. Health and Safety, with the assistance of the Southern Nevada Health District, has been working diligently to track and monitor all our employees who have been tested thus far.
As of today, March 26, 2020, NO LVMPD employees have had a positive COVID-19 test.
March 23, 2020
Patrol briefings are to be held in the field/open air until further notice.
Please understand that anything reported as an, “exposure” to date, is simply a possible exposure reported by an employee using an Occupational Injury Report. During this time, we are asking supervisors to be extra cautious and if an employee believes they were exposed, they are being directed to complete an Occupational Injury Report as a precautionary measure. As of today, March 23, 2020, NO LVMPD employees have had a positive COVID-19 test.
The Department is currently checking temperatures of jail employees on a voluntary basis as they enter our facilities. Please be advised, we are planning on implementing the same process within other areas of the Department and are currently working on procuring the equipment to make this possible.
Thanks to the generosity of many community partners, we now have hundreds of N95 masks being given to LVMPD. If you are in operations, you will begin to see an influx of these masks into your work areas. You must still take great care in your use of this equipment and ensure you are reporting to your supervisors when you use them as tracking Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) remains a priority.