There are several childcare options available long-term, all but the YMCA are no cost to employees, all require employees to show work ID at drop off and children’s temperature will be taken at drop off. The hours of operation vary so please read closely. ALL LVMPD supervisors are expected to work with employees when reasonable modifications to schedules are required for childcare.
Updated information as of March 26, 2020
City of Las Vegas Childcare
This Employee Youth Care Program provides care for children in grades K-8 for City of Las Vegas employees required to work and for first responders. This program ensures the continuation of essential functions throughout the city. The program will begin effective Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 and continue through Monday, April 13, 2020. Should the program need to be extended, an announcement will be made. Any questions can be directed to the Department of Youth Development and Social Innovation at (702) 229-5423.
Three senior centers are operating as childcare facilities:
- East Las Vegas Community Center-250 N. Eastern Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89101 (0500-1930)
- Dula Community Center-441 E. Bonanza Rd Las Vegas, NV 89101
- Doolittle Senior Center-1950 N. J. Street Las Vegas, NV 89106
Hours of operation are 0700-1800, 7 days a week.
City of Henderson
The City of Henderson is allowing all LVMPD commissioned officers and Communications personnel to use their emergency childcare facilities as long as they are City of Henderson residents and there is space available. Please call (702) 370-5954 with any questions, see locations below:
- Henderson Multigenerational Center: 250 S. Green Valley Pkwy, Henderson, NV 89012
Hours of operation are 24 hours/day, 7 days a week.
City of North Las Vegas
The city of North Las Vegas is offering childcare at the below location for children ages K-12:
- Silver Mesa Recreation Center: 4025 Allen Ln, North Las Vegas, NV 89032
Hours of operation are 0630-1830, 7 days a week.
The Southern Nevada YMCA is offering childcare for all LVMPD employees at a cost, see the below link for further information:
List of Licensed Day Care Facilities in Clark County
For additional options, this report includes all licensed day care facilities in Clark County, to include their locations and other pertinent information. Please refer to this list as needed.