The mission of PubSecAlliance is getting realized as Bryan Yant points out below. PubSec is getting the most important information about working conditions, pay, benefits and pensions out to police union leaders here in the U.S. and around the world. PubSec has also rallied the troops to support you in your local battles locally. For those of you who have not joined, we hope you will soon and support our work and each other. – Cynthia Brown
Message from Bryan Yant
Las Vegas Protective Police Association
The Las Vegas Police Protective Association (LVPPA) and The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) were in lengthy contract negotiations concerning the mandate to have our officers wear body cameras.
The Chairman for the LVPPA was Vice President Scott Nicholas and Chief General Counsel David Roger and the Chairman for LVMPD was Assistant Sheriff Todd Fasulo. After negotiations stalled, impasse was declared and arbitration was set. However, both parties continued working towards a solution. With the lawsuit filed by LVPPA vs. LVMPD over mandating officers to wear body cameras, I was tasked by President Steve Grammas to form a body camera committee.
I knew we had a valuable asset and a way to reach all other police unions and their leadership via PubSecAlliance which we joined over a year ago. I immediately contacted Cynthia Brown and asked for her help gathering valuable information on body camera negotiations and policies from other organizations. Within hours of sending out a request for information, I received overwhelming support and information from police unions across the country.
With the valuable information I received from the PubSec Alliance members, our body camera committee and contract team was able to successfully negotiate a 1 percent salary pay increase for all LVMPD Police Officers and that those officers will wear a body camera. LVMPD has also agreed to discuss policies and procedures regarding body worn cameras, and has agreed to prosecute citizens who file a false report to Internal Affairs when the body camera footage exonerates the officer.
Without the vision of the people who created PubSec Alliance, this would not have been possible. PubSec Alliance allows police unions to constantly share vital information and trends, networking with police union leadership from across the country, training and education. PubSecAlliance makes it possible for us to share one message and present one voice to the men and women in law enforcement. We wanted to thank all of you who sent us information as well as the people at PubSecAlliance.
Please feel free to call or email me anytime for more information.
Bryan Yant
Cell: 702-375-8177