I would like to take this time to introduce myself. My name is Joel Blasko, and I am the tenth body and newest addition to the LVPPA Executive Board. I am a third-generation Las Vegas native and third-generation LVMPD police officer. I began my journey with LVMPD in November of 2014.
I come from a police family. My dad, uncle and aunts were all on the Department. LVMPD holds a significant place in my childhood. I remember being at Thanksgiving dinners where my family would be talking shop. At an early age, I knew which sergeants at the time were worth a crap and which ones were not. That is just how it was, and I wouldn’t change those memories for anything. In many ways, Metro has been a part of my life from the start.
After completing the police academy, I spent the next few years in patrol. I spent time at Northeast, Southeast, Enterprise and Convention Center area commands. I grew up in Las Vegas, but there were parts of the Valley I was still not familiar with. I just wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps and patrol the same areas he did.
When I got to CCAC, I was able to get onto the Flex team. My time on Flex was short-lived, but it cemented in me how much I enjoyed proactive policing. I worked alongside some of the best people I have ever met. I also worked for two sergeants at CCAC who have had a tremendous impact on me throughout my career. I cannot thank them enough for what they have done for me.
In 2019, I wasn’t ready to get out of uniform and still wanted to be in a black-and-white. I also wasn’t ready to be behind a desk, so I decided to test for Gang Enforcement. I made it and spent the next four years there. Gang Enforcement satisfied my itch to be a proactive police officer and gave us the freedom to go all over the Valley. Learning about different gangs and some of the history behind local gangs was invaluable. I spent four years working with the same group of people. That is something I will never forget because we all had opportunities early on to go elsewhere, but we remained committed to the team. We went through a lot together, including an officer-involved shooting in 2021. Gang Enforcement helped me transition from a street cop to a detective.
In 2023, I was ready for the next chapter. I tested for Patrol Investigations and landed at Downtown Area Command. Downtown does not, and did not, disappoint. I was the case agent on stabbings, shootings and robbery series events. I also learned how to handle the case queue and the P1 monster. I reunited with people I worked with in the past, including my partner from Gang Enforcement. I met new people and created friendships that will last a lifetime. It was rejuvenating being back in an area command. DTAC will forever hold a piece of my heart, and so will DT39.
In 2021, I was involved in an officer-involved shooting. It was during this experience that I realized I wanted to be part of the LVPPA in the long term. I became an at-large on the Board of Directors. During my time on the Board of Directors, I have taken part in CIRT interviews, Use of Force Review Boards, Vehicle Collision Boards, IAB interviews and political endorsement interviews.
Recently, I was selected to be the tenth body on the Executive Board. I want to thank Steve Grammas, the Executive Board and the Board of Directors for placing their faith in me. I am humbled to be in a position where I can effect change for the members of this Association. I have been the recipient of outstanding representation, and I want to pay it forward. I will continue the mission of the LVPPA.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Please stay safe out there.